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Carter is three years old. He has a serious form of FSGS / Nephrotic Syndrome. In early 2020, Carter was hospitalized with RSV, a common childhood illness, sending Carter into complete renal failure. In the last 2 months, Carter has had surgery to insert a port, another kidney biopsy, and been added to the transplant list. Carter's mom now drives him to dialysis 3 time a week, 2 hours each way, and is actively looking for a kidney for her young warrior! 0 or 0+ blood type. We are rooting for you Carter!


Carter is The Nephrotic Syndrome Foundation's first Little Angel and recipient of a special box curated by MeToYou.

"We absolutely loved it! NSF - you guys are amazing & I love the support. It helps so much having people there to support us." - Carter's Mom 



Allison is 7 years old (almost 8). Diagnosed with Nephrotic Syndrome at 2, she has been on this journey for six years. She has gone through 7 procedures and treatments in search of remission.

Currently Allison is going through LDL Apheresis, an IV / dialysis like treatment where blood is removed, spun to extract a particular protein, and returned to Allison’s body. It is administered through a port for hours at a time over nine weeks. 12 treatments in all, all in the hospital, with high doses of prednisone at the same time. So needless to say, Alison is a true warrior.

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This sweet 11 year old girl has been battling FSGS Nephrotic Syndrome for three years. Hospitalized 5 times already in 2020, she had a second port placed last month to help support the many treatments she endured. She has overcome so many obstacles including seizures, sepsis, pneumonia and recently a blood clot on her heart. We can only imagine the strength in this little warrior!!!


As those of you in this journey know, her sister Emily (just 13) and her strong mama are called on in this journey too...taking her to numerous doctors appointments and supporting her through treatments and daily struggles. To top it off Misty does it as a single mom. 



Sweet Samantha is battling FSGS and recently has gone into cardiac failure. She will remain in the hospital undergoing treatment for her heart and FSGS until further notice. The doctors are hoping to coordinate a double transplant - heart and kidney, as soon as they can get her potassium under control and everything lined up. Not only is Samantha one of our little angels, but she is a WARRIOR! We You are meant for BIG things in this world Samantha and we are here rooting for you!!! 

The Nephrotic Syndrome Foundation is a non-profit organization supporting those diagnosed with Nephrotic Syndrome, their families and the ongoing search for a cure.
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